Monday 28 April 2014

School's back....

So... Schools back, and I have begun to realise that posting every day is not an option, so from now on I will be posting once a week on Sundays. My homework and school and after school activities all consume a fair chunk of my time, so I think a set day for a single post a week will be interesting without being stressful. 

I get bored fairly quickly and so school for me is hell in some classes, mostly the classes with ridiculous teachers. I dread going to health, science and even art irks me sometimes. My school day is only 8:45 - 3:05 but it feels like a lifetime on Thursdays when I have the worst, most boring day on the planet. I am currently in Year 10 and so I'm getting to business end of my schooling. After I complete high school I want to
become a Math's Teacher because as strange as it sounds, I actually love maths. I find it challenging but rarely frustrating and I do well in this subject so it might be what I want to be in the future. 

As I'm writing this a thought occurred to me. You know how people always say "I wish my life was a book" or "I wish my life was a movie", well, I think that I can keep around 90% of my life but part of the 10% I would change if I could would be school. Like wouldn't it be awesome to go somewhere like Hogwarts, Monsters University, The Jedi Academy or Rydell High? 

That said, I love my mates at my current school and don't know if I could leave them! 

Something that always amuses me is those girls and guys that try really hard at school. I dont mean the ones that study and practise really hard for tests and stuff (quite frankly I wish I had that work ethic.) but rather the ones with too much make-up, the ones that find it hilarious to abuse teachers, the ones that socially smoke, the ones that need to look exactly the same as the person next to them to fit in, and lastly the ones that make other people feel like sh*t because (frankly) they aren't comfortable in their own skin. It makes me just want to up to them, punch them in the face and tell them to get lost. Now, I've never been bullied, and I'm not really in the 'outcast' group but I'm not 'popular' either. I've seen the effects of bullying too often though and always feel bad if I don't/didn't step in or say something.

Popularity is such an odd concept to me. 

< ------ So much Truth

Be yourself and do your own thing! Don't wear this, or buy that, or say this or loose sight of who you are because some bitch in high school told you that you were strange! If you let somebody else tell you who you are and you believe them, you're going to end up playing a character for the rest of your life.

~ Amelia Jane ~ 
You're beautiful <3 Find light in yourself and shine.

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